Carlton Bunce
Drehbuchlesung: BAV
von Kevin Allen und Carlton Bunce
16. Juni 24, 16 Uhr, in der Villa Waldberta, Höhenbergstraße 25, 82340 Feldafing
Heute von Wölfen gefressen oder morgen einfach an die Metzger verkauft
Es lesen: Carlton Bunce, Georg Danner, Gerhard Jilka, Gabi Sabo, Freddy Sabo, Claus Peter Seifert, Sandra Steffl, Jo Vossenkuhl, Sophie Wendt, Susie Wimmer, Florian Ziller, u.a.
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BAV ist eine Geschichte des Widerstands. In der kleinen bayerischen Stadt Schlossmund wird heimlich das beste selbst angebaute Gras Europas produziert, und die gesamte Gemeinde ist in das Geheimnis eingeweiht - bis einige sehr unangenehme Leute kommen, um es ihnen wegzunehmen
A performed screenplay reading of BAV - a feature film by Welsh film-maker Kevin Allen + Carlton Bunce. The small Bavarian town of Schlossmund has been secretly producing the best homegrown weed in Europe, and its entire community is in on the secret - until some very nasty people arrive to take it away.
Bav is a story of resistance - a refusal to accept unnecessary change.
The small Bavarian town of Schlossmund has been secretly producing BAV, the best homegrown weed in Europe. However, as the specter of full-blown legalisation beckons, Schlossmund’s ancient Alpine weed strain is in danger of being taken over by some very nasty operators because they have been double-crossed by one of their own.
As part of a huge takeover deal, Schlossmund’s unique sunshine marijuana is fated to become hydroponically produced in a massive underground factory unless someone steps in stop it - so Detective Sergeant Ulf Gruber, comes up with an ingenious plan to save his community from impending doom.
With the help of some intricate chemistry and a herd of alpine goats, Schlossmund not only saves its treasured weed crop, but discovers something more valuable than they could ever have imagined, and their treasured BAV is set to become the best weed in the world.